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ESTEBAN Classical Guitar Vol 1
Guitar Lesson 1 – Absolute Beginner? Start Here! [Free 10 Day Starter Course]
Beginner Guitar Lesson Starter Pack
Esteban's Instructional Method for the Guitar Volumes 1 and 2
learn to play the guitar with esteban
Esteban Acoustic Guitar Review – How does it sound?
Flamenco guitar lessons – Advanced level – Esteban de Sanlúcar's Soleá falseta
Learn Guitar On Esteban Midnight Legacy?
Esteban's Death Grip – Difficulty with Bar Chords
Growing up Pentecostal… #short
Learn to play guitar from the master!
In this all-inclusive package, including 2 DVDs and a full-length course book, beloved guitar virtuoso Estéban will have beginners playing confidently in no time.
Estéban studied under celebrated guitar master Andrés Segovia, performed thousands of concerts, and topped the Billboard charts. More than just a top-seller on the Home Shopping Network, Estéban has become a cultural phenomenon—appearing in the pages of People, The Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal, as well as on The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, and even in his own Geico commercial.
In this informative and entertaining course that has already been a hit with students everywhere, Estéban teaches beginners everything they need to know: hand positioning, tuning, chord fingerings, reading music and tablature, using a pick, improvising, and much more. With two DVDs, an easy-to-follow course book, and a chord chart, Estéban will have you playing “Greensleeves” to “Malagueña” to “House of the Rising Sun” in no time—and having fun while you’re doing it!